Monsters under the bed 1

MUB1My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon

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Logical Fallacies: Appeal to Authority

LF15 Appeal to AuthorityMore logical fallacies

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon

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Logical Fallacies: Bandwagon

LF14 BandwagonMore logical fallacies

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon

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Logical Fallacies: The Gambler’s Fallacy

LF13 The Gambler's fallacy

More logical fallacies

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon

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Logical Fallacies: Ambiguity

LF12 AmbiguityMore logical fallacies

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon

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