Real vs Movie scientists

real vs movie scientists 6

More Real vs Movie scientists

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon! It’s a novel I wrote during the insomniac nights of my PhD. 

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and FacebookThere is no shame in it.

First Author

First Author

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and AmazonAn enthusiastic NY literary agent once told me that it’s more of a “near-future psychological thriller”, but I ain’t no stickler.

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and FacebookI mean, it’s too late to go off the grid, so might as well have some fun while you’re being spied on. Which is for your own protection, of course.



Did you know that I write Lablit? Or that there’s a whole website devoted to it? No? Well, click you some Lablit goodness right here.

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and AmazonYeah, I write novels too. And science articles for a job. My tombstone will read “Found dead behind a keyboard.”

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook! I mean, it’s 2014. Let’s get with the future.

X factor

X factor

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and Amazon

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook



My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and Amazon

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook