New Year

New year

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and AmazonIt’s great to kick-start your “I’ll read more novels by authors named Nik Papageorgiou” resolution!

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and FacebookThey’re great to kick-start your “I’ll follow The Upturned Microscope on social media” resolution!


Wishes 2013

Well, it’s that time of the year again. First I want to apologise for the sparsity of comics these past few weeks. I have actually been ill for a while (I still am as I write this), and lately with more than one disease.

As I’m heading to London for the holidays, I want to thank you all for another great year and wish you a lovely, blessed Christmas. I look forward to drawing in the New Year!

— Nik

PS. Do you remember the burglary back in October? Apparently the police in nearby Geneva have arrested two men for a series of break-ins and property damages, and apparently they’ve charged them with the burglary in our house as well. I mention this because a LOT of you were concerned at the time, and I kinda left you with the impression that the police weren’t doing anything.

Creeping out your labmates 6

Creeping out your labmates 6

More ways to creep out your labmates

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is now out on both Smashwords and Amazon.  

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook

Real discovery

real discovery

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and Amazon! It’s a real Christmas story; you know, the kind you read to children while sitting by the fireplace roasting chestnuts. 

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook

Season stress

Season stress

My sci-fi thriller, LAZARUS, is out on Smashwords and Amazon!

Follow The Upturned Microscope on Twitter and Facebook!